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Provision & Supply

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-07-02
  • View count:2434

Improve on Inmate food: The charge of inmate food is NT$2,000 dollars for each person per month, and NT$200 dollars for daily outgoing in addition. Moreover, Taipei Detention Center utilize 10% surplus of inmate labor, 10% surplus of the Cooperative Store and a sum of money from selling leftovers, waste oil and rice bran as a subvention for inmate food and life.

To improve the quality of food, Taipei Detention Center entrust the Secretary as the convener to form a team, and unremittingly solve the issue aiming at the quality, the quantity and the hygiene of food with the inmate delegate. Not only more cooked foods are supplied on the celebrations and special holidays, but seasonal fruits are provided on Wednesdays as well.

Due to the changeable climate, Taipei Detention Center puts all the inmates for different clothes and bedding. Besides, with regard to the children that accompany with detainee, they will get well-arranged attention. And respecting that there would be any prisoner in poverty and distress, the requirement will also be offered.


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