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Public Service Measures

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-07-02
  • View count:2887

Based on the belief of servicing the public, we have tried our best to provide the top service quality and to us it’s an endless pursuit.

The public service measures are as follows:

  • We adopt one-stop window policy at the information desk dealing with all the applied items at one time, including visit registrations, money deposit and problems solving for the public.
  • The visiting hours of the inmates are 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M on weekdays. But for your convenience, we advanced the business hours of Reception Room to 8:00 A.M in order to save your waiting time. Moreover, the ticket dispensing machine is also used to speed up the operating time. Besides, since July, 1999, the first Sunday of each month is added to the visiting day offering greater convenience to the citizen as well.
  • A special line is set up for inquiry, complaint and other problem-solving. All the information (telephone numbers and the route chart) of the Reception Room are printed on cards and provided for the public.
  • Family members, relatives and friends of inmates that have particular reasons or come from faraway places would be taken into consideration to the circumstances to get another chance to meet the inmates.
  • For strengthening the civilian services, the Reception Room has been beautified with decorations and installed an air-conditioner.
  • There are nine closed-circuit televisions for the inmates who are unable to have face-to-face meetings.
  • In order to satisfy the needs of those who couldn’t have face-to-face meetings with the inmates, telephone meeting service is also offered.
  • An ATM has been set up next to the Reception Room for the public to withdraw money.
  • Guideposts are sited at every busy thoroughfare for the people who come to the Reception Room for the first time.
  • Any daily necessaries could be bought in the store that located in the Reception Room, for the visitors can easily purchase for the inmates.
  • For any further information or problems that related to Taipei Detention Center would be solved as soon as possible.
  • In order to dispense the prosecutor offices, district courts and the family members of inmates from the hardship of journeys to meet the prisoners in the center, Taipei Detention Center has set up three video meeting equipment for the long- distance meeting.

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